


While I was waiting at a traffic light, someone who looked like Attack Nishimoto rushed past at high speed. I wonder if it was actually him or just someone who looked similar… But I don’t often see such a perfect crew cut like that.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム




九井諒子ラクガキ本 デイドリーム・アワー (HARTA COMIX)

九井諒子ラクガキ本 デイドリーム・アワー (HARTA COMIX)

九井 諒子
1,940円(10/22 12:09時点)
発売日: 2024/01/15
ダンジョン飯 ワールドガイド 冒険者バイブル 完全版 (HARTA COMIX)

ダンジョン飯 ワールドガイド 冒険者バイブル 完全版 (HARTA COMIX)

九井 諒子
2,048円(10/22 12:09時点)
発売日: 2024/02/15
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム


タコスに取り憑かれすぎたので、kitade tacos & sakeに行ってきました。本場のかどうか真偽は不明でしたが、私が昔食べたアメリカンなタコスとは全然違った!美味しかったです。

I’ve been really into tacos lately, so I went to Kitade Tacos & Sake. I can’t say for sure if it’s authentic, but it was completely different from the American tacos I had in the past! It was delicious.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I saw a video on Instagram of a man using aloe juice on his hair to make his curls more defined, and it cought my interest. However, I gave up because it’s hard to get fresh aloe. Then I thought, maybe aloe gel with a high aloe content would work the same way? So, when I washed my hair, I mixed in some aloe gel, and my curls stayed defined all day long. This was a great discovery.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム




Recently, I’ve been hearing about ‘tacos’ in various situations. Apparently, places like Taco Bell in Japan serve American-style tacos, and authentic Mexican tacos are completely different. I want to try them…!
When I googled it, I found quite a few Mexican taco restaurants, so I think I’ll check one out.

TACOS タコス ニッポン発、メキシカンタコスの新しい風

TACOS タコス ニッポン発、メキシカンタコスの新しい風

2,420円(10/22 13:35時点)
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I’m looking for a go-to sushi restaurant, but in my neighborhood, the affordable ones are long-established with many older patrons, making them hard to walk into. On the other hand, the newer places are quite pricey (around 30,000 to 40,000 yen).

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I was warned by HR for working too much overtime, so I started taking some days where I finish on time. But since the managers, who don’t get paid for overtime, stay late working, I just end up with an overwhelming number of emails the next morning anyway…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム


年々うどんが好きになってて、常に食べログで「東京都 うどん」でニューオープンをチェックし、出かければ最寄りのうどん屋を探してしまうように。ラーメン好きで年間何百杯も食べる人ってこんな気持なのかな。


I’ve been liking udon more and more each year, and I constantly check Tabelog for ‘Tokyo Udon’ to see new openings. Whenever I go out, I end up looking for the nearest udon restaurant. I wonder if this is how ramen lovers who eat hundreds of bowls a year feel.It makes me so sad when an udon restaurant, which was within reach, closes down before I even had the chance to visit.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム