The training was hard, but the dinner buffet was amazing. I had roast beef five times. There was sushi and tempura too. I think I gained weight.
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム泊まりの研修場所が雪山にあるホテルと聞いて、殺人事件とか怒らないか心配してます。蝶ネクタイのメガネを掛けた小さい男の子がいたら警戒します。
I heard the overnight training is at a hotel in the snowy mountains, and I’m worried about a murder case happening. If I see a little boy with glasses and a bow tie, I’ll be on high alert.
This week is super busy, so my next update will probably be on Friday…!
I’ve got an overnight training during this super busy time. I’ll try to make it back safely. Maybe it’s time to use Orthomol Immune.
ドイツ版 Orthomol immune オーソモール イミューン ドリンク + カプセル型 サプリメント30日分 マルチビタ…
I was watching “Wednesday Downtown,” and suddenly “Detective Tsuda” started! Next week, there’s going to be a 2-hour special of “Detective Tsuda”! Is this a reward from the gods for all my hard work?!
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテムtimelesz projectは箱推しです。全員一生懸命で、おばさんの涙腺を崩壊させてくる・・!誰も落ちてほしくない・・・。通過発表のときマジで辛い。
I’m a fan of the entire Timelesz project group. Everyone is striving so hard, it makes me tear up. I don’t want anyone to be eliminated… The announcement of who passes is seriously tough to watch. If I were a billionaire, I’d debut all of them!
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテムtimelesz project観てます。嵐以降のグループ全然わからないおばさんですが、まんまとはまってます。年末進行の中うまく動いてたプロジェクトがやり直しになって、泣きそうだけど「年末まで毎週金曜にタイプロがある」と歯を食いしばりながら仕事してます。
I’m watching the Timelesz project. I don’t know much about groups after Arashi, but I really like this one. A project I was working on got delayed, and I feel like crying. But I keep going, thinking, “At least I can watch Timelesz every Friday until the end of the year.”
I don’t want to plan any parties on Friday. If I have to go, I’ll leave after the first round.
Recently, with good-quality Bluetooth earphones with noise-canceling features becoming more affordable, I thought the days of people playing their music too loudly on the train were over. But I encountered one again after a long time. I could even tell what she was listening to…
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム猫を飼ってから殺虫剤の類は使わず、天然のものでまかなってます。コバエが出たら掃除用のクエン酸をかけている。これって何死?すっぱ死?
Ever since I got cats, I’ve stopped using pesticides and rely on natural alternatives. When fruit flies appear, I spray them with cleaning-grade citric acid. What kind of death is that? Sour death?
レック(LEC) レック 【 激落ちくん 】 クエン酸 スプレー 400mL / 除菌率 99.9% / 酸の力で水アカを落とす
Every year, I treat myself to something special for the holidays. This year, it’s ‘Orthomol Immun,’ the drinkable Hermès. A colleague gave me one, and it worked wonders—I woke up feeling so refreshed! I’ve been buying one or two bottles on Mercari, but during Black Friday, I used Amazon points to get a box of 30. Now I’m ready for next year! It’s made in Germany, and a Japanese distributor recently started selling it too.
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテムチョコザップのトレーニングマシンが物足りなくなり、ジムを乗り換えることにしました。とりあえず近所のジムをいくつか見学して決めようと、予約した1軒目の店長さんが松潤そっくりだったのでそこに決めた。目の保養もほしいから・・・。
I started feeling like the training machines at ChocoZAP weren’t enough, so I decided to switch gyms. I planned to visit a few nearby gyms for a tour, but the manager at the first one I visited looked just like Matsujun, so I chose that one. I need something nice to look at too…
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム