
My cats used to sleep through the night, but lately, they’ve started having “midnight chase games,” running around every night in the middle of the night. Getting woken up halfway through my sleep is tough… We’re all getting older, so let’s just rest at night, okay…?
Lately, I’ve been interested in this mysterious woman who keeps showing up in my Instagram recommendations. She makes a huge amount of food and gives it to people. Her dynamic cooking style catches my attention, but what I notice most is that she doesn’t tie her hair while cooking. I was taught in home economics class to tie my hair back, and I just can’t ignore it…
Buri hasn’t been feeling well, so I’ve been taking him to the vet almost every week. I also have to give him medicine, but the moment he senses it, he darts to the back of the closet to hide. My latest strategy is to clear my mind completely, as if I’ve forgotten about the medicine myself, and then catch him when he lets his guard down. That’s when I manage to get him to take it.
At the start of the year, I learned about the passing of someone who had been a great help to me, and I couldn’t focus on anything during the three-day weekend. If it weren’t for the sumo match I attended on the last day, I think I would have been even more down. During their life, she once advised me, “You should get a colonoscopy,” speaking from her own regrets. This year, I’ve decided to take their advice and get one for the first time.
A sumo-loving friend from my neighborhood invited me to a live sumo match, and it was my first time watching in person! To my surprise, we had masu box seats! It’s a four-person seat, but we watched with just three of us. My friend, being a true sumo enthusiast, gave detailed explanations, so even as a beginner, I had a great time. I’ve heard it’s really hard to get reservations these days, so I’m so thankful for being invited to such a special experience!