

パブって注文しないのに入っていいんだ・・・度 ★★★★★
見え見えの嘘つくのが本当に怖い度 ★★★★★
急にぶちきれるのも怖い ★★★★★

My Reindeer’ on Netflix was incredibly scary. It’s based on a true story about an unsuccessful comedian working in a pub who offers tea to a lonely-looking woman who didn’t order anything, only to find out that she’s a notorious stalker. Shockingly, the comedian is played by the actual victim himself. The first half is purely terrifying with the stalker, and the second half delves into his past, but it takes a very dark turn (including sexual abuse), so I wouldn’t recommend it for those who are sensitive.

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I binge-watched ‘Gokuaku Joou’ on Netflix. I was a child during the peak of the Crush Gals and Dump Matsumoto, and I still remember the Haircut Deathmatch. It also reminded me of my childhood friend, M-chan, who was a huge fan of the Crush Gals. She once passionately declared, ‘I’ll go to Mexico to study pro wrestling, join All Japan Women’s Pro-Wrestling, and get revenge!’

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役者の涙が溢れそうで心配になる度 ★★★★★

I recently watched ‘Samurai Time Slipper.’ Just like Hiroyuki Sanada mentioned in his Emmy Award speech, it felt like a tribute to those who have preserved and passed down the tradition of jidaigeki—a film overflowing with love for the genre. The actors must have been deeply connected to their roles, as there were many scenes where they seemed almost in tears, making me worry, ‘Oh, are they about to cry?’

The intensity of the sword fighting in this film is something you absolutely need to experience in a theater. I felt that watching it on a TV screen would cut the impact in half.

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I heard that Muji containers are great for storing emergency supplies, so I bought one, but my cat has taken a liking to it, and I haven’t been able to use it yet. I just hope no disaster strikes…

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Hamachi often sits on my iPad, and I used to think it was because it’s warm and comfortable, but now I realize—he’s trying to stop me from using it!

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I was warned by HR for working too much overtime, so I started taking some days where I finish on time. But since the managers, who don’t get paid for overtime, stay late working, I just end up with an overwhelming number of emails the next morning anyway…

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When my cat sleeps on his back with his stomach exposed, I pretend to be a bear and warn him, ‘If I were a bear, I’d eat you starting from your stomach!’ Then I playfully sniff his stomach.

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年々うどんが好きになってて、常に食べログで「東京都 うどん」でニューオープンをチェックし、出かければ最寄りのうどん屋を探してしまうように。ラーメン好きで年間何百杯も食べる人ってこんな気持なのかな。


I’ve been liking udon more and more each year, and I constantly check Tabelog for ‘Tokyo Udon’ to see new openings. Whenever I go out, I end up looking for the nearest udon restaurant. I wonder if this is how ramen lovers who eat hundreds of bowls a year feel.It makes me so sad when an udon restaurant, which was within reach, closes down before I even had the chance to visit.

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When I went to the office, I unexpectedly ran into a man who had been transferred to a different company within the group. Even though we have no work-related connection anymore, he had heard about how busy I’ve been. I must be so busy that it’s become the talk of the office…

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