

The second round of emergency supplies I bought in the Prime Sale is food. I aimed for enough to last about three days, the estimated time it might take for relief supplies to arrive.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



The bakery chain ‘Little Mermaid’ sells leftover bread in discounted sets of 3-4 items before closing. Whenever I spot a set with my favorites—the ‘Danish Sausage Dog’ and ‘Panini’—I get excited. The Danish Sausage Dog, in particular, often sells out, so finding it still available at closing time is rare. Even if I’m already full, I just have to buy it…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



A special tribute episode of Knight Scoop in memory of Toshiyuki Nishida aired last weekend, featuring three of his recommended episodes. Among them, ‘The Postcard from Leyte Island’ is an absolute masterpiece. I’ve watched it so many times that I already know the outcome, yet every time I get nervous and end up in tears. It’s available on TVer, so if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I’ve often eaten out alone since I was young, but I used to say, ‘A yakiniku restaurant is the one place that’s hard to go alone.’ Recently, though, I’ve managed to go. My next challenge is ‘going solo at a buffet.



日高 トラ子
990円(03/10 11:52時点)
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I found out that a blogger I like has been taking Ebios for years, so I decided to buy it and try it for the first time. I got a trial pack in a pouch, which looks a lot like the bag of my cat’s dry food, so when I’m taking it, my cat watches me with a concerned look.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I think it was just in my hometown, but sweatshirts with a triangle at the neck (a V-gusset) were the definition of ‘uncool’ when I was in elementary school. Because of that, I still don’t really like them. Uniqlo comes out with great colors for sweatshirts every year, but if there’s a triangle at the neck, I won’t buy it.”

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



When I’m on a crowded train with nothing to hold onto, I plant my feet firmly and try to grip the ground with my toes, which helps me stay steady. Terakado Jimon mentioned this technique a long time ago, and I’ve been doing it ever since.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



As I’ve gotten older, my sleep has become lighter, and I was waking up multiple times during the night, struggling to fall back asleep. I tried something called ‘mindfulness sleep,’ and it helped me fall asleep quickly and stay asleep until morning. There are various methods if you search online, but the approach that worked for me is:
・Lying in my favorite position
・Mentally listing all the things my body is touching
・Taking deep breaths while listing them
I usually fall asleep in about five minutes.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



上下組ヤッケ ネイビー L W-300

上下組ヤッケ ネイビー L W-300

1,412円(03/10 05:17時点)
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



When my cat resists affection, I pretend and say, ‘It’s in the contract!’ and continue to pet him anyway.

図解即戦力 契約書の読み方と作成がこれ1冊でしっかりわかる本

図解即戦力 契約書の読み方と作成がこれ1冊でしっかりわかる本

太田 大三, 堀口 佐耶香, 尾臺 知弘, 高橋 香菜
2,200円(03/10 11:52時点)
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム