
This year, my goal is to have no-overtime days and go to the gym at least twice a week. But I feel so exhausted after work that I almost give up. So, on days when I work from home, I wear my gym clothes from the morning while working.
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My cats used to sleep through the night, but lately, they’ve started having “midnight chase games,” running around every night in the middle of the night. Getting woken up halfway through my sleep is tough… We’re all getting older, so let’s just rest at night, okay…?
Lately, I’ve been interested in this mysterious woman who keeps showing up in my Instagram recommendations. She makes a huge amount of food and gives it to people. Her dynamic cooking style catches my attention, but what I notice most is that she doesn’t tie her hair while cooking. I was taught in home economics class to tie my hair back, and I just can’t ignore it…