



Recently, I’ve been hearing about ‘tacos’ in various situations. Apparently, places like Taco Bell in Japan serve American-style tacos, and authentic Mexican tacos are completely different. I want to try them…!
When I googled it, I found quite a few Mexican taco restaurants, so I think I’ll check one out.

TACOS タコス ニッポン発、メキシカンタコスの新しい風

TACOS タコス ニッポン発、メキシカンタコスの新しい風

2,420円(01/22 01:22時点)
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I’m looking for a go-to sushi restaurant, but in my neighborhood, the affordable ones are long-established with many older patrons, making them hard to walk into. On the other hand, the newer places are quite pricey (around 30,000 to 40,000 yen).

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I was warned by HR for working too much overtime, so I started taking some days where I finish on time. But since the managers, who don’t get paid for overtime, stay late working, I just end up with an overwhelming number of emails the next morning anyway…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム


年々うどんが好きになってて、常に食べログで「東京都 うどん」でニューオープンをチェックし、出かければ最寄りのうどん屋を探してしまうように。ラーメン好きで年間何百杯も食べる人ってこんな気持なのかな。


I’ve been liking udon more and more each year, and I constantly check Tabelog for ‘Tokyo Udon’ to see new openings. Whenever I go out, I end up looking for the nearest udon restaurant. I wonder if this is how ramen lovers who eat hundreds of bowls a year feel.It makes me so sad when an udon restaurant, which was within reach, closes down before I even had the chance to visit.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



When I went to the office, I unexpectedly ran into a man who had been transferred to a different company within the group. Even though we have no work-related connection anymore, he had heard about how busy I’ve been. I must be so busy that it’s become the talk of the office…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



In the morning on workdays, I think, ‘Let’s stop by that place for a drink after work!’ But by the time I’m heading home, I’m so exhausted that all I want is to get home and lie down. I’m getting old…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I’m loving the scent of FaFa body sheets that are exclusive to Don Quijote. Since Hamachi doesn’t like strong scents, I secretly enjoy them. It seems they’ve become quite popular and are in short supply, but I found them at the Don Quijote in Kinshicho.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム




Kototoi公式  iTune  AmazonMusic(Unlimitedでも聞けます)他の音楽配信サイトでも購入できるみたいです。

My brother’s two-person band, ‘Kototoi,’ has released their first album, so if you’re interested, please give it a listen. My favorite songs are ‘Tsugunai,’ ‘Soyokaze,’ and ‘MUSIC.’ By the way, the ‘sister’ mentioned in the song ‘Reizouko’ isn’t me.
It seems that ‘Soyokaze’ will also be available on JOYSOUND ,karaoke.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



Once or twice a year, I really want to eat onigiri, tamagoyaki, and wieners. It’s great that the ingredients are available at convenience stores, so I can easily make them… I think they taste best when they’re a bit warm, not too hot. By the way, I’m a fan of dashimaki tamago.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム