

年末にまーちゃんちで忘年会したのですが、iPadも持ってってネトフリの「timelesz project」を強引に観せました。帰り際には「今度続き観せて」とまで言わせたぜ!
本日1/10 22時から5次審査が始まるよ!

At the end of last year, we had a year-end party at Ma-chan’s place, and I brought my iPad to make everyone watch Timelesz Project on Netflix. By the time I left, I even got them to say, “Let’s watch the next part together next time!” The 5th round of auditions starts , January 10th, at 10 PM!

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I bought Uniqlo’s Heattech fleece-lined sweatpants for the first time to wear to the gym during winter, and they’re so warm that I’ve been wearing them all the time, not just for the gym. Sweatpants for women are usually too short for me, and men’s ones are too wide and make me look bigger, which I don’t like. But these women’s sweatpants with a longer length fit nicely without looking too big. Plus, they look good enough to wear outside without feeling unfashionable. Uniqlo just keeps fulfilling everyone’s wishes… it’s almost scary!

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム




In December, I took Buri for a health checkup, but the results weren’t great, so he had to go back for another test right after the New Year. Even though Buri is 13, he’s still full of energy, so it took two people to hold him still. I trimmed his nails the day before, but he still tried to scratch.The follow-up test didn’t show anything too concerning, but just to be safe, he has another test scheduled for mid-January. I’m already dreading the struggle of getting him into the carrier…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



猫がちゃんと引き取られたのか気になる度 ★★★★★
頭蓋骨の脆さを知る度 ★★★★★

When I was studying for the TOEIC, I held off on watching Jimenshi-tachi while it was popular, but I finally watched it. It was so captivating that I watched it all in one go. By the way, I used to live near the inn that inspired the story—it was on my commute. I always thought, “Why is such a charming inn abandoned? What a waste.” Pierre Taki’s portrayal of lawyer Goto and his line “Mou ee deshou” really stuck in my head…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム




This New Year, I didn’t make many plans and spent most of my time relaxing and watching Netflix and Amazon Prime. I also didn’t send out any New Year’s greetings, so it was nice to see who thought of me. Thank you!
My cats will turn 14 in March, and I’ll be 50 in May. We’ll make health our top priority this year!

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



M-1 was so much fun! There were some duos I didn’t know, so I tried to avoid looking up any info before watching, but Batteries were hilarious! The way everyone watched over Ace-kun as he uncovered the truth… it felt familiar somehow. Then it hit me—it’s just like the dynamic between a mascot and the onii-san on educational TV! I wonder if anyone else feels the same?

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I go to the gym. The manager, who looks like Matsujun, seems to be a fan of Chiikawa. When I wear Chiikawa goods, he gets excited and says things like, “That’s Hachiware, right?” It’s so cute. In my mind, I think, “You’re the real Chiikawa!”

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I gave my cats “Mama Cook’s freeze-dried chicken breast” as a Christmas present, and they loved it so much that just showing them the bag gets them super excited. I’m so happy they have such a good appetite…

ママクック フリーズドライのササミ 猫用 150g

ママクック フリーズドライのササミ 猫用 150g

1,909円(03/14 22:18時点)
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム