


When my cat sleeps on his back with his stomach exposed, I pretend to be a bear and warn him, ‘If I were a bear, I’d eat you starting from your stomach!’ Then I playfully sniff his stomach.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム


年々うどんが好きになってて、常に食べログで「東京都 うどん」でニューオープンをチェックし、出かければ最寄りのうどん屋を探してしまうように。ラーメン好きで年間何百杯も食べる人ってこんな気持なのかな。


I’ve been liking udon more and more each year, and I constantly check Tabelog for ‘Tokyo Udon’ to see new openings. Whenever I go out, I end up looking for the nearest udon restaurant. I wonder if this is how ramen lovers who eat hundreds of bowls a year feel.It makes me so sad when an udon restaurant, which was within reach, closes down before I even had the chance to visit.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



When I went to the office, I unexpectedly ran into a man who had been transferred to a different company within the group. Even though we have no work-related connection anymore, he had heard about how busy I’ve been. I must be so busy that it’s become the talk of the office…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



Buri loves a snack called ‘Matatabi-tama,’ but when I give it to him, he has the strange habit of battling with the ‘Matatabi-tama’ before eating it.

スマック またたび玉 15g×10個セット

スマック またたび玉 15g×10個セット

2,111円(03/15 03:56時点)
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



When I’m in a long Zoom meeting at home, Buri, who’s hungry, starts asking for food.
I love how he quietly says ‘Kak! Kak!’ in such a modest way.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



When the air pressure is low, my cats get really tired and don’t move much, sleeping all day long. I also get headaches when the pressure is low, but since I have work, I can’t just stay in bed.

【第2類医薬品】テイラック 24錠

【第2類医薬品】テイラック 24錠

672円(03/15 14:16時点)
Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



When I don’t wake up at my usual time on my day off, the cats wake me up. But Hamachi’s recent way of waking me up is so creative. He spins around next to me to make sure I notice him.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



In the morning on workdays, I think, ‘Let’s stop by that place for a drink after work!’ But by the time I’m heading home, I’m so exhausted that all I want is to get home and lie down. I’m getting old…

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム



I’m loving the scent of FaFa body sheets that are exclusive to Don Quijote. Since Hamachi doesn’t like strong scents, I secretly enjoy them. It seems they’ve become quite popular and are in short supply, but I found them at the Don Quijote in Kinshicho.

Instagram 楽天Room おすすめアイテム