timelesz project観てます。嵐以降のグループ全然わからないおばさんですが、まんまとはまってます。年末進行の中うまく動いてたプロジェクトがやり直しになって、泣きそうだけど「年末まで毎週金曜にタイプロがある」と歯を食いしばりながら仕事してます。
I’m watching the Timelesz project. I don’t know much about groups after Arashi, but I really like this one. A project I was working on got delayed, and I feel like crying. But I keep going, thinking, “At least I can watch Timelesz every Friday until the end of the year.”
I don’t want to plan any parties on Friday. If I have to go, I’ll leave after the first round.